Change Is A Certainty
I love people watching. It is one of my favorite things to do. People in general, do a lot of dumb things. They worry about weird stuff. They love weird stuff. They wear weird stuff. They are just weird.
You can learn a lot about people watching them in adversity. You learn how they respond to change because adversity usually involves some amount of it. It is easy to see who has control of their amygdala.
As we move through the stages of business ownership, change is inevitable. How you process it and subsequently tackle it can make all the difference in the world. Let's have a conversation about change and what I'm doing with it.
Changing Colleges
When I was a senior in high school, I only applied to two colleges. I was accepted to both, and had to make a decision about which one to attend the next fall. The one I chose came with a promise of in state tuition for this out of state student. That was going to be worth a lot of money to this poor kid.
As we moved into the summer between high school being done and college starting, the financial aid office notified us that I was not getting the in state tuition that had been promised. The notification came late enough that shifting to the other college I was accepted into was not going to be able to provide scholarships. I couldn't afford to attend on loans alone.
As a result, I ended up last minute at Southwest Baptist University in Bolivar, MO. My family had some connections that found scholarship money that made it semi-affordable. Off I went, but I didn't really want to be there.
I spent my first two years of college in Bolivar trying to figure out how to leave. I decided I wanted to go Baylor, which was the school of the original two that I applied to for entrance from high school. I believed that my future was brighter in Texas.
In the push and pull of the process to transfer, my mother was dead set against it. She saw the price tag of Waco and knew that they could not support me going there. Fortunately for me, I was able to transfer and ended up receiving a full scholarship.
The change was hard. I lost a lot of hours in the transition. I ended up changing majors completely. It made college last longer than it would have otherwise. But I can look back and know that making that change was the right thing to do.
Not all choices and changes go as well as that one did. We agonize over big life changes. We have to make them with incomplete data because we cannot predict the future. But choices have to be made.
Grab the coffee. Join me as we look at how I address making these changes. Oh, and stick around for Friday as I explain the future of The Porch.

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