Living Life Through An Algorithm
Let's get geeky! No for real. We're all consuming information and entertainment through internet powered devices. Since this is the case, whether you realize it or not you are being influenced by algorithms that are delivering that content.
The faster we come to terms with this reality, the better off we will be. Those who don't realize or acknowledge it, can be easily influenced. Those who learn how to leverage it can easily do the influencing and profit from it.
If you are ready to do the influencing, grab the strong black coffee and let's get cracking at how you can go about it.
Invisible Hands
Once upon a time, in a land not so far away, there was this thing called radio. It was enjoyed by many, and despised by others. Prior to iTunes, Spotify, and YouTube it was how we learned about new music. Even thought we lived in middle America, we could magically learn about lads from Liverpool, men who work in a land down under, or women who loved Rock N Roll.
In this time when the radio brought us these revelations, aspiring bands and groups were completely dependent upon being "discovered". If you were trying to make it as an artist, you were always sharing a demo tape with anyone that could possibly put you in a play on radio stations across this great country.
What goes unsaid about that by-gone era of music in the US is that a very small set of people had control of what was going to be promoted. There were people, most operating behind the scenes, who were the gatekeepers of what was being sent to radio stations to be played in heavy rotation. These mostly invisible hands determined whether you were ever even capable of being a one hit wonder rather than a legend in your own mind since they controlled the flow of music to stations.
With the advent of all the music services and self funding platforms available today, we can't imagine that a small set of record executives could control what we hear while streaming tunes driving our cars. But that is what used to happen.
This begs the question of how we can find new music that we can enjoy today? It's simple. A computer that is programmed to make these same decisions for you is doing it rather than those gatekeepers. It can be a boon for independent artists who understand how Spotify and YouTube Music work, and these invisible hands can work for your business as well. You simply have to understand the algorithm.
This week on The Porch, we are going deep into how these computer programs we call algorithms effect what we see, hear, and watch. When you begin to grasp how they work, they can work for you rather than against you.

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