Getting Unstuck
Is your to-do list a mile long like mine? Is it so overwhelmingly long that you are paralyzed and unable to take action? I think we would all be lying if we said that never happened to us.
Sometimes a simple jumpstart can allow us to take massive action in our lives. The biggest impediment to success is simply getting started. Getting unstuck if you will.
When I was a boy spending a week or two at my grandparent's house in Northeast Oklahoma, there was not a lot of entertainment options. The 80s were a different time and Miami, OK is a small town. When Grandpa and I were done fishing for the day, I had to find ways to entertain myself.
My grandparents had multiple sets of dominos in various colors and sizes. They loved playing 42 and having multiple sets allowed them invite folks over to play the game they loved.
For me, the various sets of dominos allowed me to build elaborate trails that used the "domino effect" to knock them all down. It would always start with that one single domino that got pushed over, but would involve twists, turns, stairs, and splits before finding a finish line.
My grandparents loved this because I was finding a way to entertain myself. Little did I know that this kids activity would give me a framework for getting unstuck when I was an adult.
This week on The Porch we will focus on determining what dominos you can push over in your business to get the domino effect started to propel you to success. Yes, the concept may be simple. But it is also powerful when we harness the power of the falling domino.
So gather round and pour the coffee. It's time to learn. Again.

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